Explainable AI for Health Lab

Explainable AI for Health Lab

A collaboration between Leiden University Medical Center, Amsterdam University Medical Centers (AUMC, location AMC), and Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI).

Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ Amsterdam

The Explainable AI for Health Lab is a collaboration between Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Leiden University Medical Center, and Amsterdam University Medical Centers (AUMC, location AMC).

Clinical decision support based on AI can have great added value for physician and patient alike. AI models can be very powerful, but it is not always easy to explain how they arrive at a certain prediction. This hampers its use for medical applications. LUMC, Amsterdam UMC, and CWI are developing new forms of AI that lead to models that are inherently explainable as much as possible so that physicians and patients can understand why a certain prediction is made.

Sustainable Development Goals

Research projects

EXAMINE - Evolutionary eXplainable Artificial Medical INtelligence Engine

Explainable AI - creating techniques that cannot simply learn explainable models, but can do so by looking at all different forms of data at the same time


Peter Bosman
Tanja Alderliesten
Karin Blankers

PHD Students

Peter Bosman
Tanja Alderliesten
Karin Blankers


Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) is the national research institute for mathematics and computer science.

Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC): As an innovator, the LUMC stands for the continuous improvement of healthcare and the health of all people.

Amsterdam University Medical Centers (AUMC) location AMC) is a leading medical center that combines complex high-quality patient care, innovative scientific research, and education of the next generation health care professionals.

Leiden University Medical Center
Amsterdam University Medical Centers (AUMC)

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